Several generic functions have been implemented for SpatRaster objects
to create maps and other plot types. Use ‘plot’ to create a map of a
SpatRaster object. When plot is used with a SpatRaster
, it calls the
function ‘rasterImage’ (but, by default, adds a legend; using code from
fields::image.plot). It is also possible to directly call image
. You
can zoom in using ‘zoom’ and clicking on the map twice (to indicate
where to zoom to). With click
it is possible to interactively query
a SpatRaster object by clicking once or several times on a map plot.
After plotting a SpatRaster
you can add vector type spatial data
(points, lines, polygons). You can do this with functions points, lines,
polygons if you are using the basic R data structures or plot(object,
add=TRUE) if you are using Spatial* objects as defined in the sp
package. When plot is used with a multi-layer SpatRaster object, all
layers are plotted (up to 16), unless the layers desired are indicated
with an additional argument. You can also plot SpatRaster objects with
(via the “tidyterra” package). The rasterVis
package has
several other lattice
based plotting functions for SpatRaster
Multi-layer SpatRasters can be plotted as a single plot if they channels
are declared as RGB channels (red, green blue), see ?RGB
## terra 1.8.8
b <- rast(system.file("ex/logo.tif", package="terra"))
## [1] 3
## [1] 1 2 3
You can also use the a number of other plotting functions with a
object as argument, including hist
, persp
, and density
. See the help files for more info.