## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- m <- matrix(c("1-2","Land/Cloud boundaries","250","3-7","Land/Cloud/Aerosol properties","500","8-16","Ocean Color/Phytoplankton/Biogeochemistry","1000","17-19","Atmospheric water vapor","1000","20-23","Surface/Cloud temperature","1000","24-25","Atmospheric temperature","1000","26","Cirrus clouds","1000","27-29","Water Vapor","1000","30","Ozone","1000","31-36","Surface/Cloud temperature cloud top altitude","1000"), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) dm <- data.frame(m, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(dm) <- c("Spectral band number", "Intended use", "Spatial resolution") knitr::kable(dm, caption="MODIS spectral bands and their spatial resolution") ## ----MODProducts, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- m <- matrix(c('1', 'Level-1A Radiance Counts', '2', 'Level-1B Calibrated, Geolocated Radiances', '3', 'Geolocation Data Set', '4', 'Aerosol Product', '5', 'Total Precipitable Water', '6', 'Cloud Product', '7', 'Atmospheric Profiles', '8', 'Gridded Atmosphere Products (Level-3)', '9', 'Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance', '10', 'Snow Cover', '11', 'Land Surface Temperature & Emissivity', '12', 'Land Cover/Land Cover Change', '13', 'Vegetation Indices', '14', 'Thermal Anomalies, Fires and Biomass Burning', '15', 'Leaf Area Index and FPAR', '16', 'Surface Resistance & Evapotranspiration', '17', 'Vegetation Production, Net Primary Productivity', '18', 'Normalized Water Leaving Radiance', '19', 'Pigment Concentration', '20', 'Chlorophyll II Fluorescence', '21', 'Chlorophyll a Pigment Concentration', '22', 'Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)', '23', 'Suspended Solids Concentration in Ocean Water', '24', 'Organic Matter Concentration', '25', 'Coccolith Concentration', '26', 'Ocean Water Attenuation Coefficient', '27', 'Ocean Primary Productivity', '28', 'Sea Surface Temperature', '29', 'Sea Ice Cover', '31', 'Phycoerythrin Concentration', '35', 'Cloud Mask', '36', 'Total Absorption Coefficient', '37', 'Ocean Aerosol Properties', '39', 'Clear Water Epsilon', '43', 'Albedo 16-Day Level-3', '44', 'Vegetation Cover Conversion & Continuous Fields', 'ALB', 'Snow and Sea Ice Albedo', '', ''), ncol=2, byrow=T) mm = cbind(m[1:19,], m[20:38,]) dm <- data.frame(mm, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(dm) <- c("ID", "Name", "ID", "Name") knitr::kable(dm) ## ----echo=FALSE, fig.cap="MODIS tiles indexed horizontally and vertically"---- knitr::include_graphics("figures/MODIS_tiles.png") ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c("Band", "Name", "Type/units", "Data Type", "Fill value", "Valid Range", "Scale fact", "1", "Red (620-670 nm)", "Reflectance", "16-bit signed integer", "28672", "-100 - 16000", "0.0001", "2", "NIR (841-876 nm)", "Reflectance", "16-bit signed integer", "28672", "-100 - 16000", "0.0001", "3", "Blue (459-479 nm)", "Reflectance", "16-bit signed integer", "28672", "-100 - 16000", "0.0001", "4", "Green (545-565 nm)", "Reflectance", "16-bit signed integer", "28672", "-100 - 16000", "0.0001", "5", "NIR (1230-1250 nm)", "Reflectance", "16-bit signed integer", "28672", "-100 - 16000", "0.0001", "6", "SWIR (1628-1652)", "Reflectance", "16-bit signed integer", "28672", "-100 - 16000", "0.0001", "7", "SWIR (2105-2155 nm)", "Reflectance", "16-bit signed integer", "28672", "-100 - 16000", "0.0001", "8", "Reflectance Band Quality", "Bit Field", "32-bit unsigned integer", "4294967295", "NA", "NA", "9", "Solar Zenith Angle", "Degree", "16-bit signed integer", "0", "0 - 18000", "0.01", "10", "View Zenith Angle", "Degree", "16-bit signed integer", "0", "0 - 18000", "0.01", "11", "Relative Azimuth Angle", "Degree", "16-bit signed integer", "0", "-18000 - 18000", "0.01", "12", "500 m State Flags", "Bit field", "16-bit unsigned integer", "65535", "NA", "NA", "13", "Day of Year", "Julian day", "16-bit unsigned integer", "65535", "1 - 366", "NA") m <- matrix(x, ncol=7, byrow=TRUE) cn <- m[1, ] m <- data.frame(m[-1,]) colnames(m) <- cn knitr::kable(m)